

Building a solar farm of this size is expected to take up to 18 months to complete.

The project includes:

  • upgrading Barigan Road to ensure safe movement of construction traffic
  • building an access road to allow deliveries onto the site
  • preparing the site for construction and establishing a site compound
  • building internal access roads to be used construction and for maintenance once operational
  • building a new substation on-site
  • preparing foundations for panels
  • installing panels
  • installing underground cabling to transport power to the substation
  • connecting to the local electricity network via an existing overhead power line

Sunterra Energy has been engaged to carry out preliminary works such as site investigations, design and management plans. TransGrid will manage construction of the substation.

The construction of Wollar Solar Farm continues to progress well and remains on track for completion by the end of 2024. Thanks to our EPC Contractor, Sunterra, who have produced the above video, which shows a range of the works done on site. These works led to achieving our first key milestone, the installation of our first steel pile! The piles are the first elements of the steel ‘tracker’ system, which support the Solar PV panels. It was the first to be driven into the ground in July 2023. Once completed Wollar will have approximately 5,400 of these tracker systems installed.

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